For a long time I was looking for nice backpack. My last one died in high school and since then I wear handbags. But sometimes backpack is much more comfortable, for example when you are carrying laptop, books, notebooks and whole universe in your handbag. You know, woman's handbag is like TARDIS, bigger on the inside... Unfortunately all I found was ugly, expensive or both.
Then I went to Lokaah strore, I really don't know why, I don't like all this oriental stuff, but what I found was absolutely awesome - quite pretty backpack. After few modifiacations I can say that it's perfect for me.
I decided to painted black upper part of backpack and upper part of pockets, unseam producent's logo and pin my favourite pins. Not really big changes but in my opinon now it looks so much better.
Perfect for crazy cat lady ^^
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Before* and after |
Round pins: H&M
Black cat: no name